原装进口Rigging Sheaves滑轮
报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
库存: 100 台
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2022-05-20 15:56
浏览次数: 395
手机号: 13723701128
电话: 0755-86216601



品牌: Rigging Sheaves             


1, G2-A, 17” G2 Rigging Sheave (7/32”) w/AWS Clevis.       

2, G2-AZ, 17” G2 Rigging Sheave (5/16”) W/AWS Clevis       

厂家:美国Wireline Technologies

This manual explains the use and care of 14” rigging sheaves manufactured by Wireline Technologies, Inc.  The sheave is available in two 
models.  The original model has shielded bearings and is identified by an orange cover.  The sealed bearing model is identified by a yellow 
cover.  Each is available in two configurations.  The no-shroud configuration, shown in figure 1, will allow a rope socket or “torpedo” to pass 

over the wheel.  The half-shroud configuration, shown in figure

2, has a cable shroud covering part of the wheel to aid in containing the linein the wheel groove.  Please read and become familiar with all of the information in this manual before using this e 

• Read entire manual before operating this e 
• If proper procedures are not followed, loads may disengage.                                                                                                                
• A falling load can cause serious injury or death. 
• Never use this product for hoisting personnel. 
• Always anchor or hang the sheave via the clevis, never by way of the cover or any ancillary e 
• Never apply more force than the Safe Working Load (SWL) listed on the affixed tag. 
• The listed Safe Working Load is for the sheave assembly; the safe line tension will be less. 
• Attachment to other e with lower SWL will reduce the allowable load. 
• Always use a hand guard when the sheave is used around personnel. 
• Always make sure the sheaves are properly maintained and properly rigged.
No-Shroud (Optional)
Figure 1
Half-Shroud (Standard)
Figure 2 2
Safe Working Load

The rated safe working load (SWL) for a WTI 14” sheave is 15,000 lbs. (6,800 kg.), with the exception of  those manufactured for Schlumberger.  These sheaves, as directed by Schlumberger, have a safe working load of 10,000 lbs. (4,530 kg.).  The allowable line pull will depend upon both the SWL and the angle the line is deflected.  If the sheave is used as a top sheave, it deflects the line 180°, see figure 

3.  If the sheave is used as a bottom sheave, it deflects the line 90°, see figure

4.  Never exceed the SWL, unless special precautions are taken in accordance with your company’s policy.  These precautions should include, but are not limited to, clearing the rig floor of all personnel.  If the SWL is exceeded, the sheave should be re-certified before it can safely be placed back in service.

Top Sheave

Max. line tension

7,5000 lbs. (3,400 kg) 

Schlumberger Limit 
Max. line tension 

5,000 lbs (2,260 kg)

Bottom Sheave
Max. line tension 

10,600 lbs. (4,800 kg)

Schlumberger Limit 
Max. line tension 
7,070 lbs (3,200 kg)
  • 地址:深圳市龙华新区观澜大道75号田背花园E单元806
  • 电话:0755-86216601
  • 手机:13723701128
  • 传真:0755-86216602
  • 联系人:朱