美国AlphaLab 电磁电波测量表trifield
报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
库存: 100 件
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2022-05-20 15:56
浏览次数: 135
手机号: 13723701128
电话: 0755-86216601

深圳湾边贸易公司                        TEL:

美国AlphaLab 电磁电波测量表trifield的详细信息美国AlphaLab高斯计、AlphaLab磁强计、AlphaLab无线电测量仪表、波能量表、AlphaLab静电测量仪表

Gauss meters, magnetometers and other
laboratory instruments. Manufactured in USA

Meters for Magnetism
DC Gaussmeter Model GM1-ST
For magnets (or DC Solenoids)
0.1-20K Gauss
DC Gaussmeter Model GM1-HS
For residual magnetism
0.01 -800 Gauss 
DC Gauss Meter Model GM2
Gaussmeter for DC, AC, peak hold measurements, detachable probe: Field to 30K Gauss 
Vector/Magnitude Gauss Meter
Model VGM
3-axis (X, Y, Z) gaussmeter. Also displays peak hold and magnitude. Used to map magnetic fields 0.01-799.99 gauss
DC Milligauss Meter
For very weak DC fields down to 1 nT (or 0.01 milligauss). Range 2 gauss. 
Air Shipment Milligauss Meter (Oersted Meter)
Used to measure air cargo to comply with FAA, IATA magnetic regulations. 
Earth Magnetometer
Measures tiny variations from point to point in the Earth magnetic field. Sensitive to 1 gamma (1 nT). 
Trifield® Meter
Electromagnetic pollution meter (magnetic, electric, microwave fields)
AC Milligauss Meter Model UHS
Measures AC magnetic field
0.01 to 1999 milligauss 
Natural Electromagnetic (EM) Meter
Measures variations in natural electromagnetic fields (atmospheric electricity, etc.)
3 Axis Milligauss Meter
For very weak DC fields down to 1 nT (or 0.01 milligauss). Range 2 gauss. Reads 3 axis simultaneously.
Zero Gauss Chamber
A zero gauss chamber with built-in degausser (so that accidental magnetization can be removed).
Static Electricity, Air Ions and High Resistance
Surface DC Voltmeter
Measures the static charge on surfaces without contact. Sensitivity is 1V @ 1” (range 30KV). 
Air Ion Counter
Independently measures the number of positive and negative ions/cc in air. 
High Resistance Meter
Measures resistance up to 1999.9 G ohms (1.9999 x 1012 ohms) and conductance down to 0.01 pS.
Ultra Stable Surface DC Voltmeter
Measures static charge on surface with extreme sensitivity
(down to 0.1 V at 1”)
Voltage Touch Monitor
Measure DC voltage and voltage transients on personnel. 
Battery Impedance Meter
Measures the remaining life
of large rechargable batteries.
Electric Field
AC Electric Field Meter
Measures AC electric field
to 19,999 V/m. 
Trifield® Meter
Electromagnetic pollution meter (magnetic, electric, microwave fields) 
Natural Electromagnetic (EM) Meter
Measures variations in natural electromagnetic fields
(atmospheric electricity, etc.) 
Surface DC Voltmeter
Measures the static charge on surfaces without contact. Sensitivity is 1V @ 1" (range 30KV).
Ultra Stable Surface DC Voltmeter
Measures static charge on surface with extreme sensitivity
(down to 0.1 V at 1”)      
Radio / Microwave
Trifield® Meter
Electromagnetic pollution meter (magnetic, electric, microwave fields) Measures AC electric field
to 19,999 V/m. 
Micro Alert
A radio/microwave alarm with a replaceable battery.
Continuous “on” time: over one year. 
Natural Electromagnetic (EM) Meter
Measures variations in natural electromagnetic fields
(atmospheric electricity, etc.)
Data Ac USB
USB Stick

  • 地址:深圳市龙华新区观澜大道75号田背花园E单元806
  • 电话:0755-86216601
  • 手机:13723701128
  • 传真:0755-86216602
  • 联系人:朱