Liqui-Phi Phantom MRI躯干模体
报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
库存: 100 件
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2022-05-20 15:55
浏览次数: 124
手机号: 13723701128
电话: 0755-86216601

深圳湾边贸易代理进口Li Phantom MRI 躯干模体价格优惠!

厂家:The Phantom Laboratory 

型号:Li Phantom MRI模体

种类:Li Phantom 头部模体、Li Phantom躯干模体(包括:肝脏模体脾模体,肾模体,胃模体,胰腺模体)

 ++Lil Organ Scanning Phantom, complete with seven organ entrance ports
in base and organs including liver, right and left kidneys,
pancreas, spleen and stomach
++Lil Organ Scanning Phantom with seven organ entrance ports in base
no organs
++Lil Head Phantom - Head form with two tumor support ports in the top of
the head and one port on the removable base access cover. Tumors included:
3cm diameter, hollow, spherical; 2cm diameter, hollow, ovoid x 3cm long;
and 2cm diameter, hollow, ovoid x 4cm long
++Head form with two 5cm removable access ports in the top of the head and one
port on the removable base access cover. Tumors included: 3cm diameter,
hollow, spherical; 2cm diameter, hollow ovoid x 3cm long; and 2cm diameter,
hollow ovoid x 4cm long
Hollow Tumors, Spherical ~ Set of seven with one each of the following diameter
1cm, 1.5cm, 2cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm and 6cm
++Hollow Tumors, Ovoid ~ Set of five with one each of the following diameters
1.5cm x 3cm long, 2cm x 3cm long, 2cm x 4cm long, 3cm x 4cm long and 3cm x 5cm long
Hollow Tumors, Combination Sets of Spherical and Ovoid ~ Set of six hollow tumors with one each of the following sizes
Spherical: 1cm, 1.5cm, 2cm, Ovoid: 1.5cm x 3cm long, 2cm x 3cm long, 2cm x 4cm long
Combination Set of nine hollow tumors with one each of the following sizes
Spherical: 1cm, 1.5cm, 2cm, 3cm, Ovoid: 1.5cm x 3cm long, 2cm x 3cm long, 2cm x 4cm long, 3cm x 4cm long, 3cm x 5cm long

Lil Phantoms

Hollow phantoms that can be filled with liquid for nuclear medicine and MRI studies

The Phantom Laboratory manufactures two hollow, li phantoms which are applicable to nuclear medicine and magnetic resonance imaging studies: the Lil™ Head Phantom and the Lil™ Organ Scanning Phantom.

 Lil™ Head

The Lil Head Phantom

A li head form which duplicates the outer contours of an average size male head and neck.

The phantom has three ports: one at the base of the neck and two on the upper sides of the head. The port at the base of the neck is mounted on an access plate which can be removed for insertion of tumors. The access ports have o-ring sealed spherical mounting points. Tumors mounted on their support rods can be positioned in a variety of ways from these ports. Tumors included: 3cm diameter, hollow, spherical; 2cm diameter hollow, ovoid x 3cm long; 2cm diameter hollow, ovoid x 4cm long.

The Lil Organ Scanning Phantom

This phantom duplicates the torso of a male from the diaphragm to the upper pelvis.

It is e with access covers to allow phantom tumors and organs - liver, spleen, kidneys, stomach, and pancreas - to be positioned within the torso. Each organ has screw ports for adding or removing liquids, plus a large access port for inserting and removing simulated tumors. Solid and li phantom tumors are available in ovoid and spherical shapes. The organs and tumors for the Organ Scanning Phantom are purchased separately. Lil™ Phantoms are excellent for calibration, assurance, research, and training in nuclear medicine and SPECT studies.

Material Details

Both phantoms are built to approximate the proportions of a fiftieth percentile male and are constructed of cellulose acetate butyrate, a transparent material that provides strength and low water absorption.

Optional Tumors

Tumors - Additional holders that allow positioning of hot and cold spots within the organs or the phantom, which are created by either filling the tumors with contrast solutions or placing them cold inside contrast filled organs.

Spherical - hollow tumor set of seven with one each of the following diameters: 1cm, 1.5cm, 2cm, 3cm, 4cm, 5cm, 6cm

Ovoid - hollow tumor set of five with one each of the following diameters: 1.5cm x 3cm long, 2cm x 3cm long, 2cm x 4cm long, 3cm x 4cm long and 3cm x 5cm long

Combination set of six - Six hollow tumors with one each of the following sizes:Spherical: 1cm, 1.5cm, 2cm and Ovoid: 1.5cm x 3cm long, 2cm x 3cm long, 2cm x 4cm long

Combination set of nine - Nine hollow tumors with one each of the following sizes:Spherical: 1cm, 1.5cm, 2cm, 3cm and Ovoid: 1.5cm x 3cm long, 2cm x 3cm long, 2cm x 4cm long, 3cm x 4cm long, 3cm x 5cm long

  • 地址:深圳市龙华新区观澜大道75号田背花园E单元806
  • 电话:0755-86216601
  • 手机:13723701128
  • 传真:0755-86216602
  • 联系人:朱