RSD胸部模体,ART Phantom 美国Radiolog
报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
库存: 100 件
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2015-09-22 17:18
浏览次数: 108
手机号: 13723701128
电话: 0755-86216601
Lung/Chest Phantoms. RSD胸肺模体Stock # DescriptionRS-310 Lung/Chest Phantom with permanently sealed diaphragmRS-315 Lung/Chest Phantom with permanently sealed diaphragm and left coronary arteryRS-320 Lung/Chest Phantom with removable diaphragm, lung pair insert without coronary artery.RS-330 Lung/Chest Phantom with removable diaphragm, lung pair insert with coronary artery.RS-340 Lung pair insert without coronary artery.RS-345 Lung pair insert with coronary artery.International CALL for pricing on all phantoms shipping overseasNuclear Medicine Heart/Thorax Phantoms. RSD核医疗心脏/气管喉部模体HEART/THORAX PHANTOM (Includes items RS-801 through RS-810) tock # DescriptionRS-800T Heart/Thorax Phantom (includes RS-801 through RS-810)RS-801 Thoracic Cavity with bottom place (price if sold separately)RS-802 Non-perfusable lungs (pair)RS-803 Perfusable Lungs withstyrofoam beads (pair) (price if sold separately)RS-804 Heart with 3 hollow defects in myocardial wall-standard sizes (price if sold separately)RS-805 Liver Shell-ONLY. (price if sold separately)RS-806 Chest Overlay (price if sold separately)RS-807 Removeable breast with set of tumors (price if sold separately)RS-809 Set of 10 threaded nylon support rods (price if sold separately)RS-810 Set of 5 external fillable markers (price if sold separately)RS-811 Tumor ONLY, with rods, Specify size of tumor:3mm, 6mm, 9mm, 12mm, 15mm (price is per tumor)RS-900T Head with transparent brain shell containing striatumRS-901T Transparent brain shell with striatumRS-542 Thyroid Phantom without Head; Consists of neck, hollow thyroid, cover, a portion of the cervical spine, sternum and claviclesRS-545 Thyroid Phantom with head; same as RS-542 but with head and full cervical spineRS-543S-T Thyroid-hollow, shellRS-543A-T Thyroid-hollow, activeMammo II Phantom. RSD乳房乳腺模体A Mammography Teaching/Training Phantom Stock # DescriptionRS-750 MAMMO II Phantom w/stand & carrying/storage caseRSD Sectional Phantoms. RSD截面模体Anthropomorphic Body Sections With Applications Throughout The Field Of Radiography Stock # DescriptionRS-108 Opaque Head, with complete cervical spine (C1-C7)RS-108T Transparent Head, with complete cervical spine (C1-C7)RS-109 Opaque Head, without cervical spineRS-109T Transparent Head, without cervical spineRS-110 Opaque Head, with 5 step wedge & resolution test pattern (2-10 1p/mm), without cervical spineRS-110T Transparent Head, with 5 step wedge & resolution test pattern (2-10 1p/mm), without cervical spineRS-111 Opaque ThoraxRS-111T Transparent ThoraxRS-113 Opaque PelvisRS-113T Transparent PelvisRS-114 Opaque Hand / Wrist (Natural position, Right or Left)RS-114T Transparent Hand / Wrist (Natural position, Right or Left)RS-115 Opaque Hand / Wrist (Oblique position, Right or Left )RS-115T Transparent Hand / Wrist (Oblique position, Right or Left )RS-116 Opaque Foot / Ankle (Natural Position, Right or Left)RS-116T Transparent Foot / Ankle (Natural Position, Right or Left)RS-117 Opaque Foot / Ankle (Plantar Flexion, Right or Left)RS-117T Transparent Foot / Ankle (Plantar Flexion, Right or Left)RS-118 Opaque Knee, Right or LeftRS-118T Transparent Knee, Right or LeftRS-119 Opaque Knee (90 deg. Flexion), Right or LeftRS-119T Transparent Knee (90 deg. Flexion), Right or LeftRS-120 Opaque Elbow (natural position), Right or LeftRS-120T Transparent Elbow (natural position), Right or LeftRS-121 Opaque Elbow (90 deg. Flexion, Right or Left)RS-121T Transparent Elbow (90 deg. Flexion, Right or Left)RS-122 Opaque Complete Arm / ShoulderRS-122T Transparent Complete Arm / ShoulderRS-123 Opaque Leg / HipRS-123T Transparent Leg / HipInternational E-Mail/Call for pricing on all phantoms shipping overseasStandard PIXY® Anthropomorphic Training/Teaching Phantom. Stock # DescriptionRS-102 Opaque PIXY® Phantom with stomach, gall bladder, urinary bladder, kidneys, rectum and sigmoid flexure. Permanent shipping/storage case. Approximate total shipping weight: 265 lbs.RS-102T Same as RS-102 but transparentRS-157 Animal Lungs (Must be ordered with phantom, cannot be retrofitted)RS-150 Add Arterial TreeRS-102SP Choice of Custom Fractures and Pathologies. Pick one, any, or all. Pathologies based on user's re (Must be ordered with Phantom, cannot be retrofitted). Price listed is per item.1. Depressed skull fracture at any desired location. 2. Hairline fracture of the scaphoid bone of the wrist (with no fragment separation). 3. Fracture of the superior pubic ramus. 4. Rib fracture at the mid-axillary line. 5. Unseparated fracture of the patella. 6. Stress fracture of the 5th tarsal bone of the extended foot.RS-102R Standard Refurbishment of Your PIXY® (Majoruoted upon request)RS-102R12 If having PIXY® refurbished/Crate to ship PIXY® if yours is no longer available.RS-103 Opaque BREAK-APART PIXY®, with fill ports forStomach, Gall Bladder, Urinary Bladder, R&L Kidneys, Rectum and Sigmoid flexor.(Scroll to bottom of page for graphics.)RS-103T Transparent BREAK-APART PIXY®, with fill ports forStomach, Gall Bladder, Urinary Bladder, R&L Kidneys, Rectum and Sigmoid flexor.RS-104 Opaque BREAK-APART PIXY®, NO fill ports. Contains the stomach, gall bladder, urinary bladder,right and left kidneys, rectum and sigmoid flexor.RS-104T Transparent BREAK-APART PIXY®, NO fill ports.Contains the stomach, gall bladder, urinary bladder,right and left kidneys, rectum and sigmoid flexor.RS-105 Opaque Break-Apart PIXY®. NO ORGANS, NO FILL PORTS.RS-105T Transparent Break-Apart PIXY®. NO ORGANS, NO FILL PORTS.
  • 地址:深圳市龙华新区观澜大道75号田背花园E单元806
  • 电话:0755-86216601
  • 手机:13723701128
  • 传真:0755-86216602
  • 联系人:朱