湾边贸易供应Gammex 1430 LE 多普勒模体
型号: 1430LE
规格: 多普勒
报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
库存: 5
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 60 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2015-06-05 09:54
浏览次数: 119
手机号: 13723701128
电话: 0755-86216601

深圳湾边贸易代理Gammex 1430 LE 模体价格优惠.多普勒和灰阶扫描仪超声图像分析体模体 RMI 1430 LE 1 美国,GAMMEX公司 原装美国直接进口。


COMES IN EITHER 0.5 or 0.7 ATTENUATION (Please Specify)




The 1430 LE is designed to provide a sonographer with advanced design features that allow for both Doppler and B-Mode ultrasound system tests in one unit.  This product consists of the flow system, phantom, and electric flow controller meter.


The B-Mode Phantom component of the 1430 LE is based on our 404GS LE model that provides advanced technology for measuring image on small parts and intracavity ultrasound scanning systems. With added grey scale targets this small parts phantom also measures contrast, temporal resolution and system linearity. The phantom incorporates the Gammex Tissue Mimicking gel which provides a smoother background texture and composite film scanning surface that has improved transmission properties.


Unique to the 404GS LE phantom are the closely spaced pin targets. By spacing them closer together, our targets are ideal for testing a range of high frequency transducers. Resolution patterns and all vertical and horizontal pins are made of 0.1 mm nylon fibers for better detail definition and spatial resolution. Three grey scale targets of -6 dB, +6 dB and +12 dB

relative to the background material are included. A series of anechoic cysts with diameters of 1, 2, 4 and 7 mm permit easy evaluation of system noise and distortion parameters.


Two 4 mm vessels are incorporated into the system to meet with FDA Doppler sensitivity recommendations.  One vessel is parallel to the scan plan at 2 cm, and the other vessel descends 35 degrees from the surface and is used for measuring Doppler sensitivity and for developing scannerues.


This self-contained system provides a broad range of available flow rates and test objects. The enhanced microprocessor-based flow controller meter produces accurate flow rates from 1 to 17 ml/sec corresponding to 0 to 174 cm/sec measurable velocities with a 1% full scale (FS) accuracy.


The 1430 LE provides a realistic test medium for assessing:

• Maximum signal penetration

• Channel isolation of directional discrimination

• Registration accuracy of duplex sample gates and similarities between B-Mode and color flow images.

• Flow rate readout accuracy


The Gammex 1430 LE is an all-in-one portable system powered by a built-in LI/ion rechargeable battery. The universal charger is included with the system.




Tissue Mimicking Material

Speed of Sound . . 1540 ±10 m/s

Attenuation . . . . 0.5 or 0.7 ±0.05 dB/cm/MHz


Grey Scale Targets

Contrast . . . . . . . -6, +6, & +12 dB relative

                               to background

Diameter . . . . . . 7 mm

Speed of Sound . . 1540 ±10 m/s

Attenuation . . . . 0.5 or 0.7 ±0.05 dB/cm/MHz

Anechoic Cysts

Diameters . . . . . 1, 2, 4, and 7 mm

Speed of Sound . . 1540 ±10 m/s

Attenuation . . . . 0.05 ±0.01 dB/cm/MHz

Blood Mimicking Fluid

Density . . . . . . . 1.03 g/cc

Speed of Sound . . 1550 ±10 m/sec

Scatter Size . . . . 4.7 micron average



Size. . . . . . . . . . 4 mm inside diameter

Location . . . . . . horizontal 2 cm below surface; diagonal at 35 degrees from 1.5 cm below surface


Electronic Flow Control System


Velocities . . . . . . 0-174 cm/sec


Flow Mode . . . . . preprogrammed for

0.25-2 seconds/pulse


Pin Targets

Diameter of nylon lines . . . . . 0.1 mm (0.004 in)

Vertical Spacing. . 5 mm at 1 cm to 9 cm deep


Spacing . . . . . . . 10 mm at 1 cm and 5 cm  deep


Container Construction

Size. . . . . . . . . . 22.9x15.9x21.9 cm  

                           (9x6.25x8.625 in)

Weight. . . . . . . . 4.4 kg (9.5 lbs)

AC Input Voltage.....110 vac - 240 vac


Battery. . . . . . . LI-ion, rechargeable,

                           universal charger and

                           plugs included


All acoustic measurements at 4.5 MHz, 22° C






  • 地址:深圳市龙华新区观澜大道75号田背花园E单元806
  • 电话:0755-86216601
  • 手机:13723701128
  • 传真:0755-86216602
  • 联系人:朱