内径: 10(mm)
厚度: 0.5(mm)
报价: 面议
最小起订: 1
库存: 100000
有效期至: 长期有效
发布时间: 2015-04-10 15:47
浏览次数: 376
手机号: 13723701128
电话: 0755-86216601


厂家:Moss Seal Company

品名:美国摩斯密封moss seal密封圈


Moss Seal Company
518 Rankin Circle North
Houston, TX 77073


名称 规格型号 部件号 厂家/分销商
O圈-006 O-RING AS-006 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-008 O-RING  AS-008 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DO  moss seal company
O圈-009 O-RING   AS-009 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-010 O-RINGAS-010 A59483 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-011 O-RING 568-011 FLUOROC 95 DURO 5/16 X 7/16 X 1/16 SPEC770.10588  moss seal company
O圈-012 O-RINGAS-012 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-112 O-RING AS-112 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-119 O-RINGAS-119 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-120 O-RING  AS-120 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DO  moss seal company
O圈-137 O-RING  AS-137 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DO  moss seal company
O圈-141 O-RING  AS-141 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-151 O-RING  AS-151 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-212 O-RING AS-212A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-213 O-RING  AS-213 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DO  moss seal company
O圈-218 O-RINGAS-218 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-222 O-RINGAS-222 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-226 O-RING  AS-226 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DO  moss seal company
O圈-228 O-RINGAS-228 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-229 O-RINGAS-229 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-230 O-RING AS-230 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-231 O-RINGAS-231 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-232 O-RINGAS-232 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-233 O-RINGAS-233 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-234 O-RINGAS-234 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU  moss seal company
O圈-325 O-RINGAS-325 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-328 O-RING AS-328 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company
O圈-334 O-RING  AS-334 A59438 NATNL V25 95-DUR BLU-DOT  moss seal company


Moss Seal Company offers a wide variety of products and services. We stock a wide variety of commercial seals and can fabricate custom seals made to order.

Materials: Elastomers; NBR (Buna N), HNBR, Silicone, FKM (Fluorocarbon), AFLAS, Perflouroelastomers and Plastics; PTFE (Teflon), Filled PTFE, Nylon, Torlon, PEEK, filled PEEK, PEK
O-Rings: U.S. and Metric sizes
Quad Rings: Buna-N / Fluorocarbon
T-Seals: All materials
Backup Rings: All materials / Split / Solid
Oil Seals
Loaded Lip Seals / Poly Paks
Gaskets: All materials
Spiral Wound Gaskets
PTFE / Teflon Seals
Retaining Rings: Truarc / Smalley / Spirolox
Lubricants / Sealants: Chemola™ / Desco™
Metal Spring Loaded PTFE Lip Seals
Rod Wipers
Custom Machining of Plastic: All materials
Custom Rubber Molding: All materials
VEE Packing
Extreme Environment Seals: Metal
Bearings: Non-Metallic materials

  • 地址:深圳市龙华新区观澜大道75号田背花园E单元806
  • 电话:0755-86216601
  • 手机:13723701128
  • 传真:0755-86216602
  • 联系人:朱